Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Special Visit to CHOC

Today R2 returned to Childrens Hospital Orange County a mere two weeks since his last appearance there, to visit a special patient he and I have known through the years. I went by after work, and the hospital was less busy than during our daytime visits, but R2 did visit several patients on the 5th floor.

As always, the staff loves to get pictures with R2.

And the little sister wanted to take a picture for Instagram with her My Little Pony (I think?) figures.

On my way out I took the traditional picture by the CHOC bear. Hopefully our friend's stay won't be too long, but either way R2 and I will be back visiting patients at CHOC in the not-too-distant future.

Wow, April was a busy month! Tons of events, including Wondercon (2 days), Ronald McDonald House Walk, 2 visits to CHOC, Dodger Stadium, Angel Stadium, a wedding & rehearsal, and let's not forget Star Wars Celebration Anaheim (setup day + 4 days)! I think I'm going to take it a bit easier in May. I hope.