Call time was a (not) bright and (very) early 5:45am. The sun hadn't risen yet, but the moon was out in force.

Besides the characters at our booth, Bandai also provided us with literally thousands of toys to distribute to the kids in attendance.

Can't have a Ronald McDonald Walk with out the clown himself. (Well, I guess you could, but then I don't have an intro for this picture.)

Many thousands of people participated in the charity walk. They're on the home stretch!

Once the walk concluded, we were pretty much mobbed until the event ended.

Around 11:30am things wrapped up. Time to dismantle the booth and pack the droid into the Droidmobile.

These last couple weekends have been pretty busy with Wondercon and today's event, but that's nothing compared to what this week holds in store. Better get your rest, R2!