Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day 2015

First things first; April 22nd is my father's birthday. And every year, he shares it with Earth Day. It's a pretty good fit for a dairy farmer, someone who made his living off the land. Farmers have to be uber-responsible. I always tell my students that responsibility is all about choices and chores, and, believe me, 
there were a lot of chores on that farm. 

Now that he's semi-retired, Dad spends a lot of his time in his wood shop, crafting cool stuff. Here's a picture of the rain barrel that he and the boys worked together to make when he was here a few years back. He's really good at building things. And people.

Birthday blessings, Dad. Thank you for your strong example.

Today one of my littles asked, "What's Earth Day?" and it felt weird to try to explain that it's a day set aside for us to celebrate the Earth, 
because I could hear what was coming next. 
"Shouldn't every day be Earth Day?" Why yes, yes it should. 

Did you know that our responsibility pillar is colored green because of our responsibility to the earth? From the Character Counts! website: As in being solid or reliable, like an oak

And before I could even look for something Earth-Day-ish to post, look what found me. Click it to go to its source, the HeartMath Institute.

My 2015 one little word. 
Being one with Mother Nature.
On Earth Day. And Every Day.

Oh, and we finished our state testing, so I'm ready to celebrate.
Birthday cake anyone?