Star Wars characters appear on the local newscast to help bring in viewers to drop off new, unwrapped toys and meet them. And it works!

Here's one of the news clips. Sorry if a short ad plays first. :(
And the behind the scenes version:
Meteorologist Garth Kemp hosts the event from before sunrise until well after sundown. Complete with elf suit.

R2 and various Star Wars characters helped promote the event live on the air, and posed for pictures with those dropping off toys.

Cameraman and event organizer Edgar is fond of R2, and would sometimes get a shot of him as the newscast would go into or out of a commercial break.

Here's a still of one of the shots that made it on the air.

Besides viewers, various organizations also donate literally tons of toys. There were even 200 bicycles donated!

They managed to fill 27 busses! I can't imagine a local kid not having a chance to get a toy this Christmas.

R2 wrapped up with a quick picture with Garth Kemp, and then it was off for home!

Three events during the week kept me pretty busy, but I think things look calm for the next couple weeks, at least. But you never know...