Tonight, the episode of Car Matchmaker aired on the Esquire Network. The show is hosted by Spike Feresten. Here's the brief clip with me, R2 and the Droidmobile.
(Yes, they poke fun at me at the end, but I don't mind.)
This all started thanks to an interview I had done for the online magazine Jalopnik (seen here). The editor/writer of the article knew Car Matchmaker producer David DeAngelis, and David took an interest in the droid lift, since they were doing a show about loading large objects into vehicles. In this case, Jameson and Shanna were looking for a car that could handle their two large Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs. So they asked me to come down to the studio in West Los Angeles for an 11:00am call time.
I arrived and parked the Element in the studio garage. We positioned R2 so that when Spike entered the garage with Jameson and Shanna, he would be hidden for the big reveal.

This was a rare instance of doing a TV show were it was as at least as much about me and the Element as it was R2, so I did not have a chance to take pictures as the shoot was happening, since I was in the shoot itself. We probably shot 15 minutes worth of video, but only about one minute made the cut, which is fine with me. I did mention the R2 Builders Club, what the club does and how it works, and I also credited Mike Senna with coming up with the idea of the droid lift. But pretty much all of that got cut, since they had a lot more to squeeze into the show.
Here are some miscellaneous pictures from the day.

It was a fun and enjoyable day.