Friday, October 31, 2014

Comikaze Expo 2014 - Day 1

Today my R2 and I joined R2 Builders Chris Romines, Gene Arena, Dan Johnson and their droids, along with Ed Perello. WALL�E Builders Michael McMaster and Mike Senna shared the adjoining booth.

My droid and I waited a few minutes for my badge so we could get in.

Once in, it was time to explore before the crowds were allowed in at 1:00pm.

He is pretty big.

Mike, Amy, WALL�E and Eve showed up right before opening. She floats! (Or at least, it sure looks that way.)

Almost 1:00pm. The crowd is ready to pounce.

And they're off. Some miscellaneous pictures.

Fon Davis' booth is next to ours. Cool!

Michael McMaster arrived with his WALL�E, having just come from shooting with ESPN and Chopper.

"I am your father."
"You may be more machine than man, but I highly doubt that."

Around 7:00pm the show wrapped up, and we locked and covered our droids. I took a picture for tomorrow morning's police report.

We do it again tomorrow!