Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A re-build Eleven Rig 3ds Max

There's a new development going on. The Eleven Rig for 3ds Max is in a rebuild state and it is still not done yet. It was time to keep you all up to date and to give a sneak peak of what's going on. The rig is in version alpha 2.4. The rig is completely build up from scratch (with mesh straight out Maya) and we attend to copy all the specific properties from Maya to 3ds Max. So that the animators experience would be the same in Maya as in 3ds Max.
What can you do:
  • You can configure the rig at the baseplate. Through the modifierpanel you can adjust the settings like Girl/Boy, Fat/Thin/ Sporty, etc. Also a subdivision control is put in there, to control all the geometry's subdivions.
  • You can play with the feet. Al poses are accessible through the modifierpanel.
  • A Stretch in the legs is defined. Please try it out.
  • The hands have poses. The right hand still need to have some settings, but try the left hand!
What would be possible in the near future:
  • IK/FK Switch
  • Link switches, to link hands on what so ever.
  • Head controls
  • All other Maya functionality that I did not see yet or didn't mentioned
Download the latest version:
Eleven Rig for 3ds Max version alpha 2.4