Sunday, December 4, 2011

The gangs of SD: Other factions & points of interest

Wrapping up, some info about other groups in downtown SD.

Street gangs
SD has dozens of smaller street gangs, ranging from anywhere between three and two dozen members. They are usually very ill-equipped, with nary a gun between them, relying on brawn and makeshift weapons, and lack organization and discipline. Their influence is limited to a particular set of streets, building or at most a city block outside the turfs of the major gangs. Apart from the myriad small skirmishes between street gangs, they usually content themselves with harassing the commoners or travellers who pass through their territory. Street gangs have a very short life span, popping into existence and ingloriously disbanding a few months or a year later, generally after taking a beating by another gang and its members leaving for greener pastures. Hundreds of street gangs have come and gone in SD�s troubled history, and only a select few of them ever rise to prominence, however briefly.
Current street gangs in SD: the Skulls, Eastside, the Bounders, Sudden Death, Shell Shock, the Conmen, the Tanks, the Superz, Onslaught, the Fancy Lads, the Fixers, the Buffs, and many, many more.

St d6, Ag d6, Vi d6, Sm d6, Sp d6
Fighting d6, Small Guns d4, Intimidate d6, Taunt d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pace 6, Run d6, Toughness 5/6(1), Parry 5, Uses Buffout, Jet, Psycho
-Combat Leather Jacket (+1 vs Fighting, 0 vs Bullets)
-Throwing Knives 3/6/12 St+d4 RoF 1
-Brass/Spiked Knuckles St+d4
-Shiv St+d4
-Crowbar St+d4+1
-Metal Chain St+d4+1
-Sledgehammer St+d8, Parry -1
-10mm Pistol 12/24/48 2d6 RoF1

The rabble
The rabble are, simply put, the free denizens of SD which aren�t part of a gang. This doesn�t include the hundreds of slaves kept by the major gangs as field hands, laborers, prostitutes or fighters. Some of these commoners were born in SD, more came from other places in the wasteland, down on their luck, on the run for the law or foolishly hoping to find a better life waiting for them in the city. The rabble lives in destitution and squalor, trying to eke out a living by scavenging the already picked clean ruins, petty crime, prostitution or working the communal fields for the gangs. The poorest of the poor and those who wish to stay well clear of the gangs avoid the downtown area and stay on the outskirts of town, where the gang presence is negligible. Most prefer the �safety� only the major gangs can provide, and choose to live on a gang�s turf in return for protection money. Those who manage to save up a few caps usually, and wisely, leave SD as far behind them as possible, though some grow accustomed to the brutal city and try to join a gang and get the benefits that come with it. However, most gangs demand that a potential recruit, besides being fit, brings his or her own weapon, a costly investment for those in SD who barely have two caps to rub together. Of special note among the rabble are the Friars, an independent armed group.

St d6, Ag d6, Vi d6, Sm d6, Sp d4
Fighting d4, Small Guns d4, Intimidate d4, Taunt d4, Notice d6, Stealth d4, Barter d6
Pace 6, Run d6, Toughness 5, Parry 4, Uses Jet
-Wasteland Outfit
-Knife St+d4
-Lead Pipe St+d4+1

I) The Friars
The Friars, sometimes referred to as the Goodfriars, are a group of commoners who have set up a reinforced refuge in BeatCo Park, an old stadium where before the War the major league gangs were pitted against each other. Tired of living in fear of the Gassers, the Friars procured firearms and fortified the ballpark, setting up a tent camp and shacks on the diamond, as well as some crop patches, making the Friars a self-sufficient community, except for the lack of a clean water supply. The Friars are however not a gang. They do not raid their neighbours, and for the most part hardly leave their fort. The Friars provide shelter for the night to those who come to their gates hoping to escape the nightly raiding of the gangs, though only for those who can pay admission, be it in caps, food, water or other services. The Friars remain strictly neutral toward the gangs and in turn are generally left in peace, aside from the occassional raid by the Gassers.

Friar Stadium Guard
St d6, Ag d6, Vi d6, Sm d6, Sp d6
Fighting d6, Small Guns d6, Intimidate d6, Taunt d6, Notice d6
Pace 6, Run d6, Toughness 5/6(1), Parry 5
-Combat Leather Jacket (+1 vs Fighting, 0 vs Bullets)
-Brass/Spiked Knuckles St+d4
-Shiv St+d4
-Lead Pipe St+d4+1
-Sledgehammer St+d8, Parry -1
-10mm Pistol 12/24/48 2d6 RoF1
-Hunting Rifle 24/48/96 2d8 RoF1
-Double Barrel 12/24/48 1-3d6 RoF1, 1 action to reload

J) The Convent
In pre-War times the Convent was a meeting place for people all over the country. After the bombs fell and SD came under gang rule, it became neutral, independent territory where gangs could meet for parley without bloodshed. Though this no-violence rule was loosely adhered to at best, a full scale massacre such as Barbatus perpetrated when he called for a meeting of all the gang leaders, was unheard of, even by SD�s low standards.

The Air & Space Museum
SD�s Air & Space Museum is located on the Chain Gang�s turf. In honor of the 25th anniversary (back in 2077) of Zeus 12, the last moon mission, the museum still exhibits a fully functional Delta IX rocket.