Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The gangs of SD: The Chain Gang

To round things off the last of the major gangs, the current rules of SD: the Chain Gang

H) The Chain Gang

-          The gang: Stories have it that in the time before the War, criminals were chained together and set to work in the scorching desert sun. While physically being chained together doesn�t make for a sound combat tactic, the idea of �the chains that bind� stuck with the first Chain Gangers. Veterans of many smaller street gangs, these first members of the gang had grown weary of the backstabbing, betrayal and disloyalty that spelled the end for many aspiring gangs. Tired of the wasted potential and being on the bottom rung of the ladder, a few of them bound together a decade ago to form the Chain Gang, based on the simple principle that before all else, a member owes his or her full allegiance to the gang and its members. The Chain Gang grew fast and attracted many of the other street gangers from the western part of SD. After setting a gruesome example of those who did prove to be disloyal, the gang quickly became one of the most disciplined around, and the gang made its grab for power. As the Jackhammers were struggling to put down their slave revolt, the Chain Gang came down in force upon them, slaughtering all who stood in their way and claiming the Jackhammer�s turf for their own. Taking over the slaving business, more money started pouring in.

 The Chain Gang are now more than two hundred seasoned raiders strong, most of them equipped and highly skilled with small firearms and explosives. Their brutality is second only to their mettle in combat and their fierce dedication to the gang. Raids with the sole purpose of avenging a fallen brother or sister are commonplace, and the gang will go through great lengths to free captured members.

 On entering the gang, a new member has three shackles tattooed on his or her wrists. Each following year additional links gets added to the original chain, according to how dedicated the raider has been to the gang. Some of the most veteran Chain Gangers boast impressive tattoos snaking up each arm.

 The Chain Gangers respect only one thing, and that is strength. When the raider Barbatus, frustrated with the complacency of the gang as he perceived it, challenged Monroe, the leader of the gang to a duel for the leadership, Monroe refused. Once word got around Monroe quickly lost the respect of the gangers, and his position got so tenuous that soon enough he stepped down in favor of Barbatus. It was Barbatus and his ambition that would catapult the Chain Gang to dominance.

-          Turf: The Chain Gang have set themselves up along the ruined promenade in the Park. The area is heavily guarded. What remains standing of the California tower has been turned into a sniper�s nest surveying the surroundings. Barbatus and his cronies have taken Balboa palace as their personal quarters. The Chain Gang claims most of the crop fields in the eastern Park area as their private territory, worked by slaves. Many of the other fields worked by the commoners are under their �protection�.

-          Influence: The Chain Gang are one of the major gangs in SD, and under Barbatus� leadership have claimed dominance over the other gangs. While Barbatus gathers support and finishes his plans for a daring raid on the NCR border towns with the five united gangs, most day-to-day responsibilities of the Chain Gang have been relegated to his second-in-command Caleb, a raider which grew up on the streets together with Barbatus. Barbatus is rarely seen outside his palace anymore, except when making proclamations to the people of SD. His enormous mute bodyguard Rafe is rumoured to follow him everywhere. The Chain Gang receives homage from the Ship Rats, the Lawmen, the Angels of Mercy, the Jetheads and the Pu�etazo. Many believe Barbatus�  forced alliance won�t last long, unless he delivers on his promise of raiding NCR in the near future.

Chain Ganger

St d8, Ag d8, Vi d8, Sm d6, Sp d8

Fighting d8, Small Guns d8, Explosives d6, Intimidate d6, Taunt d8, Notice d8, Stealth d6

Pace 6, Run d6, Toughness 6/7(1), Parry 6

-Combat Leather Jacket (+1 vs Fighting, 0 vs Bullets), Leather Armor (+1)

-Brass/Spiked Knuckles St+d4

-Metal Chain St+d4+1

-Sledgehammer St+d8, Parry -1

-10mm Pistol 12/24/48 2d6 RoF1

-Hunting Rifle 24/48/96 2d8 RoF1

-Double Barrel 12/24/48 1-3d6 RoF1, 1 action to reload

-MP9 10mm SMG 12/24/48 2d6 RoF3

-Frag Grenade 12/24/48 3d6

Chain Ganger Veteran

St d12, Ag d8, Vi d8, Sm d6, Sp d12

Fighting d10, Small Guns d12, Explosives d8, Intimidate d10, Taunt d12, Notice d10, Stealth d6

Pace 6, Run d6, Toughness 6/7(1), Parry 7

-Combat Leather Jacket (+1 vs Fighting, 0 vs Bullets), Leather Armor (+1)

-Brass/Spiked Knuckles St+d4

-Metal Chain St+d4+1

-10mm Pistol 12/24/48 2d6 RoF1

-Sawed-off Double Barrel 4/8/16 1-3d6 RoF1, 1 action to reload

-MP9 10mm SMG 12/24/48 2d6 RoF3

-Assault Rifle 24/48/96 2d8 RoF3

-Molotov Cocktail 10/20/40 2d6 Med Burst Templ, Can start fires

-Frag Grenade 12/24/48 3d6


St d10, Ag d10, Vi d10, Sm d8, Sp d12

Fighting d10, Small Guns d12, Explosives d8, Intimidate d10, Taunt d12, Notice d10, Stealth d6, Persuasion d8, Barter d8

Pace 6, Run d6, Toughness 8(1), Parry 7

-Leather Armor (+1)

-Spiked Knuckles St+d4

-.44 Magnum 12/24/48 2d6+1 RoF1, 1 action to reload

-Combat Shotgun 12/24/48 1-3d6 RoF1, 1 action to reload


St d12, Ag d8, Vi d12, Sm d6, Sp d12

Fighting d12, Small Guns d6, Explosives d4, Intimidate d12, Notice d12

Pace 6, Run d6, Toughness 11/12(+2/+3 vs Energy Weapons), Parry 7

Brawny, Imp. Sweep

-Metal Armor (+2/+3 vs Energy Weapons)

-Super Sledge St+d8+2, Parry -1, AP2

-FN FAL 24/48/96 2d8+1 RoF3

-Frag Grenade 12/24/48 3d6

Barbatus (Wild Card)

St d10, Ag d10, Vi d10, Sm d8, Sp d12

Fighting d12, Small Guns d12, Explosives d8, Intimidate d10, Taunt d12, Notice d10, Persuasion d8, Barter d10

Pace 6, Run d6, Toughness 8(1), Parry 8


-Leather Armor (+1)

-Combat Knife St+d4+1

-.223 Pistol 15/30/60 2d6+1 RoF1