Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ten Days Until Picture Book 10 for 10 #pb10for10

I'm kind of excited because in just ten days the internet will be buzzing about books - picture books!  Yes, Monday, August 10th will be our annual Picture Book 10 for 10 event (#pb10for10).  Educators, librarians, parents, and picture book lovers from around the globe will be sharing their favorite ten picture books.

Six years ago, Mandy Robek and I were discussing the "must have" books for our classroom libraries.  We began to wonder which books other teachers just had to have on their shelves.  We decided we'd ask everyone and Picture Book 10 for 10 was born.  Since that time the event has grown.  The Picture Book 10 for 10 Community now hosts over one hundred members.  This year will be our first year to host the August event from our Google Community since Jog the Web shut down making it impossible to curate from there.  (Our February Nonfiction Picture Book 10 for 10 was hosted in the Google Community.)

Of course, I can't wait to see everyone's selections.  Many participants have already been talking about their lists, and I look forward to seeing their favorites or the interesting themes they've chosen to share this year.  It's going to be great!  Tell your friends and get ready to join the fun.

If you're new to the event, we're glad you will be joining us.

Here's how you can participate:

  1. Grab a Badge (just copy the URL address of the one above or take a screenshot)
  2. Join the #pb10for10 Google Community
  3. Choose Your Favorites:  All you need to do is choose ten picture books you cannot live without for whatever reason.  In the first days of this event, everyone shared their ten very favorite titles.  This still works.  You will notice, however, that many past participants choose some type of theme to determine their selections.  We'll leave this up to you.
  4. Narrow Your List to Ten:  It isn't easy, is it?  We've seen some crafty ways to get around that number.  
  5. Write Your August 10th Post:  Write a post about the ten books you cannot live without.  Share your post on August 10th and link it to the Picture Book 10 for 10 Community.  
  6. No Blog?  No Problem:  If you don't have a blog, this might be the perfect time to start one --- or there are a million digital ways to join (see post below).  Of course, now with the Google Community it is quite easy to just post your favorites directly into the community without a blog.  We will also be tweeting from the #pb10for10 hashtag.    
  7. Comment:  On August 10th (and maybe for a week --- there are a lot of posts) take some time to read posts from other participants.  Please comment on at least three. 
It's time!  Pull out your library cards, load up your Amazon accounts, or better yet - plan a trip to your local bookstore on August 11th because you're going to be unable to resist checking out (or purchasing) a few new picture books.  We hope to see you on the 10th!

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