Sunday, August 2, 2015

Building Community

Happy August! Today I've got back-to-school on my heart and mind. 
Check out this shot of Bales Intermediate, my new school.

Consider this Zig Ziglar reflection:

How do we connect with kids so that they know that they matter, 
so that they feel loved? I started the day on an hour-long Twitter Chat {#sunchat} set aside specifically for as an intentional icebreaker idea swap.

Here's the first resource that grabbed my attention from the Four O'clock Faculty blog connecting Pixar ideals with student motivation. 
How will you help your students become better people?

One of Rich's big points has to do with the power of the morning meeting. In fact, he says that it is the "most important part of a classroom." And I wholeheartedly agree. Here's my school family, a few years back, circling up to reconnect.

So how will you build community when you get back to school,
 first with your faculty, and then in your classroom family?
What does your ideal community look like, sound like, feel like?

A small-group activity that Clifton Taulbert facilitated in Juarez asked us to choose one word to describe our ideal community, then share those words with our table-mates before weaving them into a 30-word vision statement. 

Once you've created the vision, then the real work starts. Icebreakers help to relax and energize people before an activity, task, or cause. They serve to build trust and help break down barriers, so that our work together goes more smoothly.

A photo booth was also suggested, like the one set up in Mexico.
Look at how good it feels to be wanted!

Click {here} for details about a B2S Selfie Adventure.
Other icebreakers suggested in the Chat this morning include:

Click for original post and more details.

Check out Ten Timely Tips.

Make Autobiographical Trading Cards.
Play Conversation Jenga.
Take this compass personality inventory.  
Play the Name Chain Game.
Non-Icebreaker B2S Things To Remember.
Writing Prompts To Launch The School Year.

One year we asked our teachers to design a school shirt,
after which we had them model their designs.

Endless possibilities to connect abound when you're building community! 
Need more inspiration? Visit my Pinterest page for Classroom Connections & Team BuildersWhat's your favorite community builder?