Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Small Acts Big Change Guest Post

Today I'm delighted to introduce my guest blogger, a ten-year-old named Gracie, a real-life superhero who's making the world better, one kind act at a time
Thank you, Gracie, for your leadership and inspiration.

Hi! My name is Gracie Dundee, and I am 10 years old. I have always wanted to make a difference in the world, and I started volunteering when I was 2 years old. In 2012, my sister and I started a nonprofit charity called Small Acts Big Change
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Small Acts Big Change is all about kids helping kids change the world. Our goal is to teach kids how important it is to give back and show them that they can make a difference through kindness and service. We coordinate many projects each year that benefit animals, people and our environment, including 9 Small Acts of Kindness, the Neighborhood Grocery Bag Campaign, Operation 500 Books and The Write Stuff.

My dream is to help create a world where everyone is kind and good, a world where people want to work together to make life better for everyone. I want to grow Small Acts Big Change so that someday we have over 1 million kids working on kindness projects with us all over the world. I think we can make the world a wonderful place for ALL animals and people, and I know this change starts with kids. Each of us really can make a big difference through small acts of kindness and service. 
Please don't let anyone ever stop you. 

Doesn't our future look bright 
with Peacemakers like Gracie lighting the way.