Sunday, December 27, 2015

In Memorium

On December 8ththe SBWC community lost Tyke Crowley, a dear friend, supporter and fellow traveler on the writer�s journey. Tyke gave us many gifts: his warmth, his sense of humor, his passion for life and living, and his story. Tyke was a believer in stories; in the way they feed the soul, in their power to inform and to inspire, and as benefactions. His was a very large story to tell, filled with heart and purpose, and his dedication to telling it was prompted by the most selfless of motives: to share with us what he had learned on his journey. Like the returning traveler, Tyke brought us the gift of his wisdom and experience, writing with grace, wit and feeling about cystic fibrosis, the struggles and unexpected rewards of living with a lifelong illness, and his determination to make each day count. We will miss him. We will miss his open mind, his generous heart, and his fierce and joyful spirit - a life well and truly lived, and a story, that for the rest of us, goes on.