Monday, November 30, 2015

Star Wars Visit to CHOC

Today R2 made a special visit to Childrens Hospital Orange County that was organized by Lucasfilm, to help spread some Star Wars cheer to the patients. We were joined by members of the 501st and Rebel Legion.

As usual with these visits, pictures with patients is not permitted, so I don't have much to share.

We started off in a broadcast studio that the hospital has on-site. It even has a green screen for us to goof around with.

R2 and I have been in the studio before, but never with our special guest, Mark Hamill!!

Mark joined us in the studio for about 30 minutes to talk Star Wars and answer questions. R2 was stationed next to Mark and occasionally beeped a comment here and there.

After the interview, Mark was kind enough to pose with R2 and me, and sign R2's back panel.

Next, we all went to a couple activity rooms that were set up for the patients. Mark signed pictures and talked to the kids. We were also joined by Star Wars Rebels voice cast member Steve Blum. I don't have any pictures of the visits due to privacy concerns, but the kids got to choose from lots of toys and clothing, and got to play Star Wars characters with Disney Interactive gaming, and get photos and such.

It was a great day for everyone involved (not the least of which, me), and I was honored to be a part of the afternoon at CHOC.