Monday, October 12, 2015

Kindness Online {And Off!}

Today was an inservice day, and we were treated to a visit by Sameer Hinduja, one of the cyber-safety experts from the Cyberbullying Research Center.

So much of what he said resonated with me because he addressed the social and emotional needs of not only the victim, but also the students who bully and the bystanders who freeze and don't know what to do or how to do it. He makes a great point when he says that we can put up fences, but they don't shape or change behavior. We must protect our kids from the inside out! 

Check out these anti-bullying minis that 
Ms. Defibaugh's 4th graders created to spotlight respect.

Check out these resources I've recently read, watched and listened to for our campaign to combat bullying behaviors online and in real life,
 this month and all year long.

Common Sense Education: Digital Citizenship curriculum
Integrity Time: Stand Up Against Bullying film clip
Edutopia: Five-Minute Film Festival about bystanders & upstanders
Edutopia: Resources to Fight Bullying at school
Strength In Numbers anti-bullying clip
Blendspace: Anti-Bullying Resource round-up
Education World: Anti-Bullying Activities 
Houston Chronicle: Character Counts! activities
Straight Talk about Bullying Behaviors podcast with Trudy Ludwig
Stop Bullying: At-Risk Warning Signs 
Embrace, Engage, Educate: Bullying? Are you sure? 
Huffington Post: Adult Bullying 
Parenting Toolkit: Your Child's Online Behavior 

Phew! What anti-bullying resource would you add to this list?