Monday, August 31, 2015

Because Kids Deserve It

I've never been a huge fan of the word deserve and the entitlement that it can easily conjure up in my mind, but when I see it as #kidsdeserveit
my thinking totally starts to change.

Kids deserve creativity, so yesterday I wrote this song on my morning walk
 and then I learned to play it on my ukulele ...

all of that before stumbling on this post about creativity that asks
Coincidental? I think not.

It got me to thinking about what exactly my students deserve from me. 
So I made a list.

They deserve someone who thrives on connecting.
And giving them a safe place to learn and grow.
And helping them make strong character choices.
And showing empathy, compassion and kindness.
And coaching them to be a trustworthy friend.
And sparking their passion and energy.
And cultivating a growth mindset together.
And taking chances. 
And messing up. And being okay with it. 
And apologizing. And breathing in grace. 
And forgiving. Over and over again.
And affirming one another, so that they know they matter.
And expressing gratitude.
And modeling how to be a servant leader, 
who makes the world better.

Because kids deserve all of that ... and more.

They deserve my best. 
Every. Day.
When I met with them today, we played a little game. 
Because kids love games.
I covered up the skills that as a counselor I can help with ...

and the students predicted what each icon represented.
It was serious fun ... and they were rockin' it!

We walked around our new space and I told them a bit about
our Sensory Room
Kids love stuff that taps into their senses.

We even used our stage to role-play introductions with our new friends. They were so engaged that their thirty-minute block of time just flew by. 
Because kids love acting. Or watching. 

One of my third graders asked if they could come back every day.
 Best affirmation ever.
We wrapped up the visit with a snippet from Jon Gordon's
The Energy Bus for kids.

So this school year, I pledge to be joyfully in the moment, 
to work on loving what is, 
and to give my best effort in all I do.

Because kids deserve it.