Wednesday, November 16, 2016

UNDISCOVERED TREASURES - Carole Brown - One Free Book

Bio: Besides being an active participant of many writing groups, Carole enjoys mentoring beginning writers. She loves to weave suspense, tough topics, romance, and whimsy into her books, and is always on the lookout for outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohiobut have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and did she mention their grandsons?

Welcome back, Carole. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
Trust, both for humans and God, and forgiveness. I feel like that a person who has no trust, especially in God, or who can not forgive, can never have true happiness. We must learn to trust our God and forgive those who�ve hurt us. Only then, can we receive forgiveness and real joy in our lives.

True words. What other books of yours are coming out soon?
I had hoped to have the second book (A Flute in the Willows) of my WWII Spies series out this year, but because of circumstances, won�t see it released until early to mid 2017.
I also plan on having the third book in my Denton and Alex Davies series (called Daffy�s Duck) released in 2017.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
I wouldn�t mind meeting Ben Carson. He�s a recent addition to my list of �would-like-to-meet people, but his principles and his attitude are impressive. I think it would be a very interesting session�and inspiring!

What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
I�ve always admired Louis Lamour because of his details in research. His books are full of historical facts, and he�s a good writer too! J

I grew up reading Louis Lamour. How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
Don�t ever give up! Only you and God can ordain your writing journey, and always remember that.

Tell us about the featured book.
Undiscovered Treasures is the third book in my Appleton, West Virginia, Romantic Mystery series. When I wrote the first three books, I wanted to create a small town with three close friends, but very different personalities. Toni, Starli, and Caroline certainly are different but their friendship and loyalty to each other are steady and strong. Now that I can see how much people love these books, I�m planning to go ahead and write three more, but with three men as the main protagonists. Fun!

Here�s the blurb for Undiscovered Treasures:
Caroline Gibson is co-owner of Undiscovered Treasures, a shop of antiques, collectibles, and junk in rural West Virginia. Inside the shop is a music box that Caroline particularly relates to, believing that her own life is similar: forever spinning and never going anywhere.

She dreams and prays for the right man to turn up. But when family and friends hint that the local artist could be the guy, Caroline forgets about trusting God and takes matters into her own hands.

Besides, she could never love a man who paints such depressing pictures.

Andrew Carrington, painter of said depressing pictures, insists there�s always one redeeming trait to each of his works.

He�s loved Caroline since they were kids and thinks he�s not handsome enough, strong enough, or rich enough to impress this woman. But when God�or is it?�suddenly sends contracts begging for his signature, Andy thinks this just might be the way to win the only woman he can ever love.

But there�s a hitch in their plans. Someone is stealing Andy�s pictures, and why would they do that when he�s an unknown�so far? Do they know something Caroline and Andy don�t know? Is it mischief? Or something deeper that neither understand? Andy gets the chance to work with Caroline, and she must put aside her ongoing battle to avoid Andy and his art so they can discover the art thief in Appletonbefore Andy loses the chance of a life time to �make it big.�

Please give us the first page of the book.
Andy whistled as he poured coffee in his favorite cup, grabbed a Greek yogurt, and headed to his studio. It was early, but not too much so. Perfect lighting to work on his latest painting.

He nodded at his new assistant, but didn't speak, and shoved open the door to his work area. His gaze circled the room�as it always did.

His favorite place in the whole world. He sucked in a deep breath, inhaling the faint smells of the paints and turpentine, but he kept moving toward the window in the back of the room and stopped.

It was already open. Had he shut it last night? There was nothing disturbed that he could see, so...he shrugged. Time to get to work.

Andy took a sip of his coffee and flipped back the cover from his latest�and best�painting of Caroline Gibson.

The painting leered at him, as if it was a caricature transformed into monster life. Slashed into ribbons, with dashes of red, jarring paint splattered over it, his work was ruined. Beyond saving.

Belatedly, Andy set his cup down on a nearby table, and with a shaking hand, reached toward the damaged picture. He stepped back and wondered if this was the worst nightmare of his life.

True, he could paint another one, but she'd never see the passion he'd put into this one, see his heart in every stroke, and see the love he'd painted in every color.


Why would anyone do this? It wasn't valuable�except to him. Worse, who hated him so much he'd wreack this kind of havoc on him? Was there a grudge-bearing individual in the small town of Appletonwho had hoped he would hurt him by doing this?

If so, then they'd succeeded.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Carole, for sharing this new book with us. I'm eager to read it.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Undiscovered Treasures (An Appleton. WV Romantic Mystery) (Volume 3) - paperback
Undiscovered Treasures (An Appleton, WV Romantic Mystery Book 3) - Kindle

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