Sunday, December 6, 2015

Minor Alterations

Every so often, a song really speaks to me. When I first heard David Lovrien's Minor Alterations four years ago, however, it didn't necessarily grab me. But last week when Joshua's band played it, it did. And it doesn't want to let go.

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I think it's because I hear it now as kind of a metaphor. For life. Just as Mr. Lovrien twisted all of the notes in these popular holiday tunes from a major key to a minor one, so our journey sometimes detours from a pleasantly paved road to a bitterly bumpy one, from a comfortable cruise to a tempestuous trek. 
And then, like this medley, it feels just a little off. 

But, with the help of your family and friends and a little bit a lot of faith,
you make it work. And in the end, it resolves.
You find harmony again.
Life ebbs and flows like that, 
so sometimes we have to make minor alterations.

Grab some coffee, hot chocolate or tea, turn it up an enjoy the Friendswood High School Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Gregory Dick, performing 
David Lovrien's holiday masterpiece . . .

. . . while you ponder the metaphor and reflect upon 
the twists and turns that your life took this year.