Monday, November 16, 2015

A 'Tweet' Way To Give Thanks

Today I'm grateful because Free Spirit Press invited me to be a guest blogger in their Counselor's Corner column while Danielle is away on maternity leave. My first post for them, After The Trauma: Treating PTSD in Children, is now live.  

I'm also happy because of the fun I had with this idea:

It's gratitude with a twist because I put this basket in the staff lounge ... at my old school, to 'tweet' my former faculty, to #CelebrateMonday by being thankful.

Author Douglas Wood said it best: We don't give thanks because we are happy. We are happy because we give thanks.

I also updated my Connections Countdown calendar with a few new connection ideas as we prepare for the holiday season. 
Click {here} to download your copy.
Might be kind of cool to give your students a blank copy
and see what innovative ideas they'd like to try.

Megan over at Coffee Cups and Crayons has something similar, a Random Acts of Christmas Kindness calendar; click {here} to download hers.

Even NBC is climbing aboard the Kind-Acts Train. 
Click {here} for details about their #ShareKindness campaign.

Finally, check out this Gratitude Experiment clip.

I think you'll be glad that you did.

How did you #CelebrateMonday?