Friday, October 30, 2015

Comikaze 2015 - Day 1

Today was the first day of Comikaze 2015 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. R2 and I met up with our convention buddies for a fun weekend of droiding together.

We set up shop at our R2 Builders booth, and at 1:00pm the show opened and we were under way.

William brought his Chopper-in-progress. This isn't quite how I remembered him (Chopper that is, not William), but that'll work.

Michael McMaster and I took WALL�E and R2 exploring, and I was excited to discover that Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood from 2001: A Space Odyssey were signing in a nearby booth. We bothered them for a few moments before moving on.

Chris denied that he was making droid repairs here, but we know better.

A low-carbon emission vehicle was on display.

Stan Lee, still going strong at 92.

We had a good day today and we're looking forward to a big day #2!