Friday, September 4, 2015

Motivating Peace

Today I'm thinking about International Day of Peace as it quickly approaches. This year will be our third time to formally join the global celebration by creating and planting our Pinwheels For Peace.

Peacemaking must begin with the children ...

Have you met Rosie the Red by author Rosemary McCarney?

My friend Pat from Children's Books Heal introduced me to Rosie back in June and I couldn't wait to get my hands on this little superhero's story. 
Check out this post to see why. 
You can also read a review from the CanLit blog {here}.

Basically, she's a precocious seven-year-old who loves to wear that red cape, a cape that she checks at the door when she arrives as school, where she's not allowed to wear it. Not until, that is, she needs to come to the rescue of a friend from a foreign land who is being teased and excluded because of her differences. 

I don't want to spoil it for you, but let's just say that Rosie's cape comes in handy as she finds the perfect way to model empathy, compassion, kindness and peace.

Need some enrichment resources to use with this little gem?

*Make Pinwheels For Peace and plant the promise.

*Create your own superhero cape from a T-shirt:

*Sing along with the SuperYou FUNdation's I Am A Superhero:

*Ask your students' parents to write on a 4x6 index card what makes their child a peacemaking superheroThen ask your students to do the same

I wonder how closely the two cards would match.

How will you be motivating peace today?